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Sunday, May 19, 2024
Home Blog
Well, it’s that time of the year again: the one where we make a few predictions for the marketing world, and revisit our past prognostications. We started doing these prediction posts back in 2014 after we read Rand Fishkin’s annual predictions. In case you’re curious about how how our future-telling escapades have gone, read our 2015 and 2016 marketing prediction posts. As usual, we’re going...
In this age of technology, efficiency is an evolving concept. What was efficient a year ago may not be as efficient today; heck, the best way to accomplish a task last month is probably no longer the optimal way to do it. Technology and innovation have a huge impact on both our professional and everyday lives. Think about the things...
The debate rages on. Is SEO dead? Should today’s marketers still put time and energy into building links? If you’ve been wondering about the future of SEO, you’ve come to the right place! Think about the last time you wanted to try a new restaurant or store. Did you search for its location on the Internet? Did you read reviews...
Marketing automation is all the rage these days, and for good reason: it frees up humans to do things humans are good at, and automates repetitive and mundane tasks. With marketing automation technology improving by the day, it’s easy to see why it’s become so prevalent. A word to the wise, though: just because you engage with and implement marketing...
You know how when you go to the grocery store and randomly see Lays chip display in the dairy section? Or chocolate at the end of the canned vegetable aisle? These displays are put in these odd spots for a reason: to see what customers will do, and whether they’re more likely to buy these specific products in this...
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